
Shinzo Abe's state funeral

The highly controversial “state funeral” of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ended up being a national disgrace, with no leader from fellow G7 countries or Japan’s major allies attending it. Its stark contrast to the state funeral of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II was a clear revelation of how the country that once used to be Asia’s superpower quickly lost its international status, if not how much or little the person who passed was respected by the people. 

Leaders of the world's democracies had a good reason not to attend Abe’s funeral. Polls taken by major Japanese media showed more people opposed than supported it. Abe’s association with a notorious religious cult that brainwashed and fraudulently taken money from innocent Japanese people, which came to light only after his death, changed many people’s view towards him. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s undemocratic way of deciding to hold a state funeral without seeking consent from the parliament also attracted criticism. Such tactics were first used by Abe himself. 

Those who are not familiar with Japanese politics may wonder why many Japanese do not think the country’s longest-serving prime minister does not deserve a state funeral. Polls show that he is remembered most by the various scandals he and his wife Akie Abe were involved in, including selling government-owned land to his supporter at a fraction of the market value, and misusing government subsidies to help his friend start a vet school on Shikoku Island. His friend Noriyuki Yamaguchi, who was fined by the court for raping female journalist Shiori Ito was never arrested or sent to jail. 

Abe had no hesitation to have bureaucrats falsify public records or physically paint government documents in black to cover up his scandal, and promoted those who led the effort, including former financial bureau chief Nobuhisa Sagawa, who drove one of his subordinates Toshio Akagi to commit a suicide in a crisis of conscience. In a continued effort to cover up the scandal, Abe’s right-hand man and successor Yoshihide Suga, who allegedly ordered the chief of Japanese police not to arrest Yamaguchi, paid off Akagi’s wife to forcefully end the lawsuit she filed to unveil the truth behind her husband’s death. Abe told the parliament that he will resign not only as a prime minister but as a member of the parliament if he or his wife is found to have been involved in the scandal, but never lived up to his words. 

Then why in the world did the Japanese people let a person who undermined Japan’s democracy and independence of the judicial branch continue to stay in power? Polls taken while he was in power show that those who supported him did it for a passive reason, i.e. his administration looked better than other options – This is a reflection of people’s disappointment towards the former Democratic Party who lost power in just three years. People who did not support Abe had a stronger reason, i.e. they did not find him to be trustworthy. However strong the reason for not supporting him may be, it is the number that counts, and more people supported him even passively than those who disapproved him for his seemingly dodgy character. 

The invitation extended to the head of Myanmar’s military that ousted the democratically-elected leader in a coup indicates what Abe's government was all about. He told Vladimir Putin that they are looking at the same future, made no issue about Russia's unilateral annexation of Crimea and even invited him to a resort in his constituency to ask him to return the Japanese-claimed islands occupied by the Russians - not only did he get nothing but he was kept waiting at the airport for two and a half hours. The mass execution of members of the former Aum Shinrikyo cult and the tragic death of a Sri Lankan woman who was detained by Japanese customs authorities both happened during his time, with Yoko Kamikawa as Justice Minister.

Without a doubt, it was a smart move by the current and former leaders of the world’s democracies not to attend Abe's state funeral. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau barely canceled his trip due to a hurricane that hit his country. He would have attracted so much attention had he been the only G7 leader to attend a state funeral that was not even supported by the country’s own people. 


国葬 State funeral


Overall, more Japanese people oppose the former prime minister's state funeral, but the fact that the younger generation is more in favor may suggest that the future of this country is grim. Falsifying statistics and official documents, pressuring the media, driving a state official who did nothing wrong to commit suicide and using government funds to cover up his own scandals and economic failures are hardly actions of a decent person. It is a gloomy thought that people who cannot distinguish between right and wrong will be responsible for the future of this country. His economic policy of recklessly printing bank notes to support share prices, cutting corporate tax rates, and using people's pension funds to support stock prices will all take a toll on the people. Sadly those people who will suffer do not even understand why the value of the yen, which is what they get in return for their hard work, is rapidly losing value. Many do not seem to understand that there is no way a politician who supports (or is supported by) a religious group who brainwashes and rips off its followers would have any consideration for the people. On the diplomatic front, this former prime minister shamelessly entertained the Russian president at a hot spring, hoping he will give back the Russian-controlled islands that belong to Japan. Those who support him likely do not understand that Japan, which was once the world's second largest economy, has now fallen to the bottom in East Asia in terms of per-capita GDP, or why Ukraine has shown little appreciation for Japan's support. The future of this country is in the hands of such naive young Japanese who do not have the slightest idea about what's happening in the rest of the world and are so easily deceived by the ruler.. 


学習能力 Learning ability


The results of the Upper House election, as expected, are symbolic of the poor learning ability of the people of this island nation. It appears that the public are falling for the propaganda about constitutional reform and arms buildup, which the political party that has been in power almost consistently during the past 30 years or so, during which time Japan has been on a downward spiral, has launched to distract them from their economic missteps and the impoverishment of the nation. If Japan launches an "enemy base attack" as this party says, the country will turn to ashes with retaliatory missiles targeting nuclear power plants the political party built across the country. The politicians of that party and its allies know that it is impossible to do such a thing, but the public seem too naive to see their true purpose. Japanese bureaucrats now falsify official documents and statistics that are unfavorable to the regime, and the media no longer criticize the regime. In short, the country can no longer be called a democracy, and it is quickly turning to one not so different from North Korea. Protecting such a country means protecting the interests of a few, not the lives of the people. Sadly, those who are being so easily deceived are the so-called "losers" who are most affected by the economic failure and are looking for an outlet for their frustration. A successful Osaka businessman predicted that "everyone in this country will eventually be speaking Chinese." The people of this country, who used to engage in bamboo spear exercises under the slogan "bestial Americans and British" while the US was developing atomic bombs, do not seem to have learned a lesson after losing the war and immediately and shamelessly switching to becoming "America and Britain lovers." They seem to be going down the same path again, without having learned any lessons from the war. I only hope that my fears are unfounded.


サミット G7 Summit


While the island nation's media is all about reporting on the outdated G7 summit, they are not actively covering Russia's hosting of an international economic forum in St. Petersburg with 127 countries. President Putin is said to have expressed a bullish outlook, saying that sanctions against Russia by developed countries have failed and that the Russian economy is normalizing. That this is not mere bullishness can be seen in the recent rally of Russian stocks and the ruble. Prices in Russia have stabilized recently, and the country's revenues from energy exports are reportedly exceeding the cost of war in Ukraine. It is worth noting that Russia has proposed naming a new G8 for a group of eight countries, including four of the BRICS, a loose alliance of emerging powers, plus Indonesia, Iran, Turkey, and Mexico, while the G8 in the West is rapidly declining due to inflation and economic collapse. Russia has also maintained good relationship with China. An island nation, whose prime minister hosted the Russian President on a trip to a hot spring in an embarrassing attempt to get back the northern territory, right at a time when the rest of the Western bloc was protesting Russia's unilateral annexation of Crimea, can hardly be convincing by bashing Russia with a shallow sense of righteousness. An island nation, which has no natural resource, nor is self-sufficient in food, and has built nuclear power plants all over the country, which are easy targets for missile attacks, should reconsider how it behaves itself.


みかん王国 Kindgom of Oranges


Coming to Matsuyama City in Ehime Prefecture in the season of mikan (mandarin oranges), I finally realized why Iyo Railways trains, trams and buses are all orange in color. Yes, this is one of the leading citrus growing areas in Japan. Compared to Wakayama Prefecture, another major growing area, the appeal of mikan is much stronger. I went to a mikan fair held at a department store in the city, where variously named mikans were sold at surprisingly high prices. It was apparent that Ehime Prefecture is aiming to add value to its mikan by improving the variety and creating brand-name oranges. In contrast, when I visited the Kinan region of Wakayama Prefecture during the mikan season, I found piles of orthodox mikans sorted only by size being sold at surprisingly low prices in stores. The mikans here are ordinary, but really sweet and tasty. And perhaps because Wakayama Prefecture is also Japan's largest producer of plums, they do not push mikan too much. Another interesting point is that while people in Ehime peel mikan the same way as people in Tokyo, people in Wakayama peel them in a unique way called "Arida peeling". When I asked a person from Wakayama, he replied, "I don't know any other way to peel oranges." In Ehime Prefecture, there are some varieties with excessively hard skin, perhaps because high added value is prioritized over ease of peeling. When I receive them as souvenirs, I don't know what to do with them. However, local people can peel the skin with their bare hands unless the skin is too thick and hard. Ehime deserves to be called the kingdom of oranges for the skill.


情報鎖国の困った人々 Troubled people in information-shrouded island nation


A Facebook friend of mine wrote that he has a hard time communicating with Japanese people who only understand Japanese. As he pointed out, important information that everyone should know is increasingly concentrated in English, while information disseminated in Japanese has become inaccurate, lacking in content, and emotionally charged for no good reason. Our island nation, which keeps going downhill from the world's second largest economy to the poorest in Asia, seems to have lost the ability to make sound judgments due to this state of information isolation, and its decline will be further accelerated in the future. However, the politicians, who are in power by steering profits to their sponsors, would find it extremely convenient to be able to brainwash the people easily, and there would be no incentive to strengthen English education for the Japanese people, whose English proficiency is now the lowest in Asia.


ワクチン Vaccine


Despite having been vaccinated twice, I easily caught COVID and had symptoms as serious as those of a flu. Medical experts who say vaccination goes against natural immunity have been ignored in this country, and the cause of getting people vaccinated, which was to acquire herd immunity, has long been forgotten. Japan's health ministry admits that nearly 1,600 people have died after getting vaccinated, but they do not admit causality. Those who want to be vaccinated should be able to, but the incitement by the Japanese government and the media is everything but rational or reasonable.


コロナ? Was it COVID?


Sudden lethargy and a sore throat put me in bed for two days. I felt like I had a fever, but I couldn't measure it because I didn't have a thermometer at home. In case I had COVID, I cancelled all face-to-face meetings and attended only web conferences. By the third day, I was feeling better, and I ended up not knowing if it was COVID. (I wonder if an antibody test would have revealed it after the fact.) If it had been, I would have thought I would have no or mild symptoms, but it was as bad as a flu (although not worse). That made me realize I am in the high-risk group of those having metabolic syndrome. I would be glad if I no longer had to take any more vaccines that can't possibly be good for my health.


お門違い Unreasonable Penalty


I feel a strong sense of discomfort that the sports world is openly excluding Russian athletes because of the country's invasion of Ukraine. I agree an athlete should not make political statements in competition, but to deprive Russian athletes of the opportunity to participate in competition is as unreasonable as ordinary Japanese living in this day and age being criticized for the actions of the former Imperial Japanese Army during the second world war. It was especially absurd to allow a figure skater who was found to have doped (whether she intended to or not) to compete in the Olympics, but not allow any Russian skater to compete in the World Championship. I am happy that Kaori Sakamoto performed well and achieved good results, but a silver medal in competition against Russian skaters would have been more valuable than a gold medal in a competition without Russian skaters.





















アジアでおそらくもっとも英語力が低い日本人がなぜか英語(っぽい表現)を使いたがる。歌の歌詞とかアーティスト名とか、まじやめてほしいのが多い。おかしな和製英語の宝庫がゴルフ。アメリカ人とラウンドした機会に正しい表現を確認した。向かい風を表現するときに使うアゲンスト(against)やフォロー(follow)はそもそも名詞ですらないので論外として、アプローチも名詞として使うならapproach shot、ディボットはアイアンショットで削り取られた芝(ターフ)のことで、芝が無くなったことで出来たコース上の穴はdivot mark(またはhole)。グリーン上で球が左に曲がるのは文字通りright to left、逆はleft to right。フックだのスライスだの一体誰が考えたのか。前のホールのスコアがトップで最初にティーショットを打つ権利をもつのは名誉だからhonors(オナー)であってオーナー(owner)ではない。もっとも世界の潮流は準備ができた順に打つready golfなので死語になりつつあるという。ゴルフ用語ではないがドンマイ(don't mind)はネイティブがいうのを聞いたことがなく、強いていうならnever mind。ゴルフの文脈でいうなら"Forget it"か"Think about your next shot"。ちょっと恥ずかしいレベルの和製英語でも、あまりに聞き慣れると違和感が薄れてネイティブの前で使いそうになってしまうのが怖い。